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Fraud Conference Calendar 2018

There are dozens of conferences held across the globe every year dedicated to sharing fraud prevention knowledge and solutions. To assist fraud prevention professionals and organizations looking for opportunities to learn, network and find solutions to their fraud problems, has created a calendar of all the relevant events we could find in 2018. The events stretch far and wide from the Americas, to Europe, India and Southeast Asia. We will update this post year-round every time we hear about a new event, so check back every now and then to get the latest conference listings.

Each calendar listing contains information on what, when, where and why fraud professionals should attend a given event. You can click on the event name to follow links to the event page for more information and to register. For sales and marketing people working at fraud solution vendors we have also created a downloadable Excel file here to provide you with an exportable list of all the events. We also recommend that fraud professionals at merchants and financial institutions check our fraud solution providers page before attending trade shows to prioritize who to speak with and learn what to ask about.

To make sure that each and every event warrants the consideration of our community of readers and fraud prevention professionals, we have only included events that are focused largely on fraud. There are other fintech and payments events during the year where some fraud solution vendors exhibit and some fraud panel discussions take place that aren’t included here.


 Fraud Conference Calendar 2018


No conference is listed at present.



 No conference is listed at present.



What: MRC Vegas

When: March 19-22

Where:  Las Vegas, U.S.

Why: Over 1,500 attendees from more over 450 companies located in 30 countries are expected at the Merchant Risk Council’s annual conference for ecommerce fraud and payment professionals. MRC Vegas is the largest global event focused on fraud prevention, payment processing, technology, cybersecurity and financial services for ecommerce professionals.



What: 2018 ACFE Fraud Conference Europe

When: April 4-6

Where: Frankfurt, Germany

Why: The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) is the world’s largest anti-fraud organization and premier provider of anti-fraud training and education. Together with more than 80,000 members, the ACFE is reducing business fraud worldwide and inspiring public confidence in the integrity and objectivity within the profession.


What: 12th Annual DT Fraud Conference 2018 – Banking and Payments

When: April 10-11

Where: London, UK

Why: This conference will look at where we are today and the challenges faced by banks, card issuers / acquirers and transaction processors and other financial institutions. What you need to know and how to stay ahead of the game and ensure that your business is ready and able to not just cope but aspire to be best in class to face the future.


What: eFraud Global Forum

When: April 16

Where: San Francisco, U.S.

Why: Every year at eFraud Global Forum (eFG) online fraud prevention leaders come together to share valuable knowledge and best practices and to learn from each other.  The mission of RSA Conference eFraud Global Forum is to bring together a cross-industry group of global fraud prevention professionals for a one-day, closed-door discussion dedicated to sharing information about reducing online fraud. Their goal is to foster the types of discussions that get at the heart of why online fraud continues to persist—and how to begin to put an end to it all—while maintaining the intimacy of a closed-door, invitation only meeting.


What: FICO World

When: April 16-19

Where: Miami Beach, U.S.

Why: FICO World is the leading international conference on Big Data analytics and decision technology, bringing together thought leaders and innovators from around the globe. The event includes 400 companies and over 1,000 attendees from 54 countries.


What: Loyalty Fraud Prevention Association (LFPA) Spring Conference

When: April 24

Where: Miami, U.S.

Why: The fourth Loyalty Fraud Prevention Conference will continue the tradition of covering the latest best practices for stopping loyalty program frauds and breaches, as well as allowing attendees to forge relevant contacts related to loyalty fraud prevention.


What: MasterCard Global Risk Leadership Conference – Americas

When: April 30 – May 3

Where: Key Biscayne, U.S.

Why: The MasterCard Global Risk Leadership Conference offers a thought-provoking and informative forum to learn about the latest tools and techniques for minimizing fraud risk and maximizing profitability.



What: MRC European Spring Conference

When: May 14-16

Where: Dublin, Ireland

Why: With over 500 leading experts in attendance, this is a must-attend ecommerce event for CNP fraud, risk, and payment professionals.


What: CNP Expo

When: May 14-17

Where: Orlando, U.S.

Why: Focused on security, fraud, and payments, the CNP Expo features interactive panel sessions with industry experts, and offers a great chance to network with various ecommerce players. CNP Expo is a leading event for the card not present industry. Their goal is to provide you with the information and insight that will take the mystery out of handling fraud, payments, and security within your business.



What: 4th Perseuss Fraud Conference

When: June 4-6

Where: Zaandam, The Netherlands

Why: The 4th Perseuss Fraud Conference is the place where merchants from all sectors can meet and learn more about fraud prevention. Fraudsters don’t limit their activities to one industry or region. By cooperating and learning from each other, we can stay ahead of them. This conference is cross-sector but with a strong travel focus.


What: Fraud & Breach Prevention Summit: Bengaluru

When: June 6-7

Where: Bengaluru, India

Why: The multitude of high profile breaches in Asia and India in 2017 have inevitably dislodged the mindset that major breaches were purely a Western phenomenon. The Fraud & Breach Prevention Summit Bengaluru will address contemporary challenges and topics of particular interest to the Indian and Asia practitioner community, such as path breaking innovations and technologies, building stronger incident response mechanisms, defense against the ransomware epidemic, tackling insider threat, securing the cashless payments infrastructure, threat intelligence, information sharing, governance and compliance challenges, securing Smart Cities and IoT, among many others.


What: ACFE Global Fraud Conference

When: June 17-22

Where: Las Vegas, U.S.

Why: The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) is the world’s largest anti-fraud organization and premier provider of anti-fraud training and education. Together with more than 80,000 members, the ACFE is reducing business fraud worldwide and inspiring public confidence in the integrity and objectivity within the profession. This is their global annual event.


What: FraudCon 2.0

When: June 19

Where: Tel Aviv, Israel

Why: FraudCON 2.0 is the online fraud event for Tel Aviv’s larger Cyber Week 2018, the annual week-long cyber security conference at Tel Aviv University. The first FraudCON took place last year and had 500 attendees from across the globe. This year it features exciting new topics such as fintech fraud, crypto cybercrime, ride-sharing crime (with Uber and Gett), emerging cybercrime trends and account opening fraud.



What: Fraud & Breach Prevention Summit: Sydney

When: July 19

Where: Sydney, Australia

Why: The data stolen during a breach is used for many purposes, but especially for fraud. Security and fraud teams are working ever more closely together, both pre- and post-breach, to ensure that they are in the best possible position to defend, detect and respond. In this dual track day, intended for senior infosec and fraud professionals, the focus will be on the latest fraud techniques and technologies, as well as a holistic, strategic approach to looking at the data breach problem that affects all industries.


What: MasterCard Global Risk Leadership Conference – Asia Pacific

When: July 30 – August 2

Where: Bali, Indonesia

Why: The MasterCard Global Risk Leadership Conference offers a thought-provoking and informative forum to learn about the latest tools and techniques for minimizing fraud risk and maximizing profitability.



What: IAFCI 50th International Training Conference

When: August 13 – 17

Where: Fort Worth, U.S.

Why: At this five day, educational training conference, you will learn from the best on preventative methods, investigative tools, techniques, current & new trends and understanding schemes and detection in today’s financial industry of fraud. The International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators (IAFCI) conference is formatted as a self-directed learning environment offering over 30 training sessions, track sessions, general sessions and breakouts. You will have the opportunity to network with financial experts and leaders from all over the world and participate in networking events.



What: Digital Identity Summit 2018

When: September 12-14

Where: Los Angeles, U.S.

Why: Digital Identity Summit is a forum where business leaders, LOB executives and mid-level managers collaborate and network with digital identity experts. Professionals from a broad range of disciplines typically attend, including risk management, compliance, security, fraud prevention, authentication, customer experience, customer loyalty, business mobility and digital transformation.


What: 2018 ACFE Fraud Risk Management Summit

When: September 14

Where: New York City, U.S.

Why: This one-day event will address the latest issues in the anti-fraud industry specifically from a management and leadership perspective. Attend and learn more about: Best practices in fraud risk management and anti-corruption programs.


What: Internal Fraud & Abuse – The Vulnerability, Consequence & Response

When: September 18

Where: Dublin, Ireland

Why: This unique full-day conference will focus on the exposure and issues that can be associated with Internal Malpractice within the public and private sectors. The conference will provide a distinct and exciting opportunity to discover the reasons why individuals commit offences and how organisations could have protected themselves.


What: World e-ID and Cybersecurity

When: September 25-27

Where: Marseille, France

Why: A global conference focused on sharing expertise that makes digital security smarter, including secure identification and authentication, trusted transactions and embedded security.



What: Fraud & Breach Prevention Summit: Singapore

When: October 2

Where: Singapore

Why: The data stolen during a breach is used for many purposes, but especially for fraud. Security and fraud teams are working ever more closely together, both pre- and post-breach, to ensure that they are in the best possible position to defend, detect and respond. In this dual track day, intended for senior infosec and fraud professionals, there will be a focus on the latest fraud techniques and technologies, as well as a holistic, strategic approach to looking at the data breach problem that affects all industries.


What: MasterCard Global Risk Leadership Conference – Europe

When: October 8 – 11

Where: Cannes, France

Why: The MasterCard Global Risk Leadership Conference offers a thought-provoking and informative forum to learn about the latest tools and techniques for minimizing fraud risk and maximizing profitability.



 No conference is listed at present.



No conference is listed at present.


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